Tarmizi Rajab -
An Applied Model of Teaching Materials to Improve
Students’ Speaking Skill showed the best results of the experimental study done
to the students of the English Study Program of Teacher Training and
Educational Science Faculty Serambi Mekkah University Banda Aceh. The subject
was specifically applied to the students of the mentioned institution, in terms
of finding out its impact to the teaching-learning process of students’
speaking skill referred to the principles of language teaching. The main target
of this study is to produce the teaching materials in the form of textbook;
therefore, it is done in three years. The first year was focused on preparing the
research instrument. The second year will be concerned with all kinds of
revising the instrument. While the last year will get various kinds of data to
revise the teaching materials to become simple, practical, and applicable
handbook labelled of Book-ISBN branded for the speaking class.